China and India will account for 60% of the 1.2 billion predicted new mobile subscribers over the next five years, according to a wide-ranging report from Global Insight's Telecoms Intermodal Forecasting Service.

Mobile service in China will grow to 69% of the market by 2011, compared to 35% in 2006. India's mobile subscribership will rise to 31%, from 13% during the same period. 

Of the 350 million new broadband subscriptions expected by 2011, Global Insight projects that China will account for more than one-third, and by then will be the second-largest broadband market in terms of revenue, ahead of Japan but behind the US. 

Finally, traditional carriers worldwide will lose an estimated $50 billion in fixed line telephone service revenues through 2011, as a result of customers who use VoIP and mobile phones instead of traditional landlines.

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